that one day of the year

isnt it crazy how one day of the year can bring up so many memories and feelings and inspire such crazy behaviour?! this christmas, i tried to scale back the expectations and focus on what i did have around me, rather than on who or what i didnt. i am very lucky to have people in my life who helped make the last few days fun instead of fraught. also, i think i was better at looking after myself, and keeping busy helped keep the black pit of despair at bay!

firstly there was the christmas eve swim.

the sun came out finally and i even got a bit of a bite on my back from the sun.

then there was the picnic preparations. i pre-cooked the pork and sliced it up with the ham. i made potato salad (my favourite one from stephanie alexanders book) and a greek salad, and packed it all up in tupperware.

christmas morning breakfast was panettone, mince tart and coffee made with fresh ground carmello beans from allpress.

i tried to do the crossword but failed dismally. i need to do more of these or i am headed for a rapid slide into senility. trent and i swapped small gifts, then we packed up the car and headed out of town. we made for wingello state forest, where we have been a few times before, including a christmas day a couple of years ago. its a good place to take the dogs, and there’s usually not many people except crazy mountain bike riders.

we set up camp

and had a coffee and some cheesecake, it really was the best ever! then trent took the dogs for a ride

while i knitted a sock.

 then we had lunch, starting with beautiful fresh crystal bay and australian ocean tiger prawns

i reheated some of the pork on the camp stove.

jem lives in perpetual hope that he will get fed from the table, but he never does. gotta love the persistence. then there was dessert and more coffee.

trent went for another ride and ricco and possum ran along behind barking, but jem came back to me. seems the 10 year old wombat would rather hang out in a camp chair (smart dog).

we did go for a little stroll through the trees though,

it was lovely and quiet except for the generator from the grey nomad’s campsite. we didnt leave until about 5. it was a lovely relaxing day even though we were both feeling a bit sad. we’re lucky to have each other, when most other family has been lost, and we try and focus on that. and the dogs were tired, so thats always a bonus!

boxing day we went our seperate ways. i had arranged to spend some time with jane and alison, and i had a lot of fun playing with connor

and knitting and eating sushi that alison made

and then an impromptu beer garden lunch on the way home

where we knitted and talked about the cricket. it makes me rub my hands with glee to think india might beat australia (no, im not a fan of our national cricket team. so take me out and shoot me as a traitor. until you get ricky ponting out of that team im not interested).

i also picked up my delivery of the discontinued rowan calmer from missfee,

and when i got home i mucked around with test swatches for a cotton cardigan. i was also very excited to find a little package from my sister waiting for me. i sent her a tin housemaid robot called roxy that i got from the popshop in darlinghurst after guild last month. she sent me a knitted prawn.

i cant wait to hang it from my knitted tree next year. that photo is of me and my sister (shes the one looking up) with my dad, grandma, aunty jen and my mum. i love this photo, even though it makes me cry.

but thats christmas isnt it? laughter and tears, love and frustration. even though this one had plenty of good stuff, im glad its over for another year.


About DrK

researcher, knitter, dog lover View all posts by DrK

12 responses to “that one day of the year

  • yogaknitdra

    It was great to see you this week, lots of laughs. Bittersweet is one of my favourite descriptions of life. You really know you’re alive when both ends of the emotional spectrum are felt together or side by side. I really love that last photo of you and your sister as children. Those memories are still worth cherishing no matter what else they stir. Xx

  • Nardine Smith

    nice post sissy, you rock and we love you longtime. n xx

  • RoseRed

    Oh swatching already! We must discuss on my return.

    Agree with Al on all counts. That is a great photo.

    Wish I had been at the pub too, that sounded like fun!

  • faeryfay

    Great camping spot! The dogs look like they had a ball! Love the sock! The rowan wool looks divine too!:-)

  • Sarah

    Oh so many wise words you’ve said about Christmas – it’s a relief to me too that it’s done; though I have the traditional family set up it creaks at the strain of this bittersweet time! Counting my blessings and eating a lot of sweets was the way through for me!!

    Just enjoying the hols now – how are you liking Forbydelsen II? Just watched the first episode last night, gripped already!


    • DrK

      i must confess sarah to having watched the whole rest of forbrydelsen today and it blew my mind. at first i thought it wasnt as good as the first one, but it is actually better. and so long to wait for the third and final! have you seen the US version, its actually pretty good.

  • Leonie

    Your attitude to and your actuality of Christmas are both great! What a day, spent doing what you love, where you love to be with the right people can make such a difference. Love the old photo of you and your sister as kids with the oldies in the background. So many memories can be tied up in such simple pictures. That Prawn is Awesome!

  • 2paw

    Now, no casting aspersions on Our Ricky!!! We’ll have to set Our Mary on to you. I am glad you and Trent has a lovely Christmas Day. Poor Jem, The Labradors never get the forbidden food either. He’s so funny sitting in the chair. Oh what a banquet you had, yum. I just love your prawn: Merry Christmas to you and the lovely pups.

  • Ailsa

    love the photo. christmas is like new years, you think everyone is having a better time than you but the truth is they’re not. it is nice to get together for loving and nurturing time with your family, but the realit is that so many families are just not like that – they’re simmering pots of pent up emotions. what’s great about you is that you won’t pretend – that has it’s consequences but i admire you for being true to yourself. i think 2011 has been a great year for you, I hope 2012 is even better…

  • Emma

    The way you spent your Christmas is something to aspire to I think; good company, uncomplicated and relaxing, without any draining obligations. I’m glad it was full of good stuff!

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